About 'The Hell'

This is the home of Diablo: The Hell, made by Mordor & TH Team. The Hell is an addon + modification of Hellfire (the only official add-on for Diablo).

The hallmark of The Hell is an unbelievably serious approach to development. First and foremost, it is concentrated on getting rid of all the initial bugs of Diablo (duping, friendly fire, shared experience, etc.). It also raises challenge considerably, gives much more variety (monsters, items, spells, boss monsters, unique items, item-, monster & environment colors), improves overall difficulty balance of the game, improves, expands and adds new monster AI, introduces new character animations, increases replay value and gives full support for Multiplayer experience.

I'll put it bluntly: not all Diablo veterans will be able to beat the game on Doom mode. It is the HARDEST Diablo mod ever!

Lots of devoted players also believe that it's the best Diablo mod.

There are quite a number of things you should know before you start playing. Check the 'Guide' section for this info. If you've got questions, ask them on TH forum.

Bookmark this site to stay in touch, and visit our forum. You will find a lot of interesting facts there, both about Diablo (Hellfire) and about the mod.

By the moment I started creating The Hell, I had been playing Diablo: Hellfire for 10 years. And this mod represents all that I ever wanted from this game. This is Diablo's best of the best. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the game or by its visual similarity with Hellfire. There is more than meets the eye. It's an absolutely new & improved game under the old mask...

Happy playing! ...and check for updates regularly!

- Rustam, a.k.a. Mordor



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